In the Spring of 2024, Reveal Roulette was introduced in California.
​The Reveal Roulette uses a three-cylinder wheel It is comprised of three rotating cylinders:
Reveal Roulette uses a wheel structure similar to Double Action Roulette. However, Reveal Roulette uses hinged tiles affixed to the bottom of the pocket. To reveal a winning outcome, a top (or second) portion of the tiles is pivoted about the hinge to reveal the engraved game number on the bottom (or first) portion. During this process, the hinged tiles remain in the pocket.
The outer cylinder determines the winning outcome.
​The middle cylinder contains 38 alternating red and black pockets; 19 red and 19 black. The pockets are not labeled with numbers. Instead, each contains one of 38 hinged "Tiles" 1 through 36 and 0, 00. The numbered hinged Tiles are in the pockets around the cylinder with the color matching the identifying color and the number on the layout exceptions: 0 and 00 are placed in either colored pocket.
The inner cylinder (the cone) is embossed with ten icons, Four Gold, Two Green, Two Blue and Two Purple.
​To begin play the player places inside and/or outside bet(s) on the layout. Additionally, a Reveal side bet(s) and/or Bonus bet(s) may be made. The numbers and 0/00 are imprinted on the betting area arranged in a “racetrack” fashion on the layout. Once all bets have been made, the dealer spins the three rotating cylinders on the Reveal wheel. The cylinders are spun in opposite directions. Once their momentum has slowed they lock together and rotate in the same direction. A marker on the outside cylinder lines up with the winning numbered hinged tile . The dealer Reveals the numbered hinged tile and then settles the outside and inside bets.
The Reveal side bet wins when either the Gold the Green the Blue or the Pink lines up with the winning number.
Reveal Side Bet and Bonus Pay-table
WINS when the Chosen Number lines up with the GOLD ICON 300 for 1
WINS when the Chosen Number lines up with the GREEN ICON 100 for 1
WINS when the PURPLE ICON lines up with the winning number 7 to 1
WINS when the BLUE ICON lines up with the winning number 7 to 1